Fuel and Maintenance
$10,000.00+ per show season
(annual average kms traveled: 75,000 km)
Entry Fees
$10,000.00+ per show season
$20,000.00+ per year
Coaching / Training
$10,000.00+ per year
Farrier / Therapies and other Modalities
$6,000.00+ per year
Veterinary Care
$7,000.00+ per year
Total annual expenses

Audience Demographic at Advanced Level Competitions
Females comprise 85% of participants
The average age is 39
40% earn an excess of 150k per year
80% have a college degree
The average home value is 412,000 USD
81% own their primary residence outright
15% own a second home
78% are members of a frequent flyer program
97% have one or more credit cards
55% of the automobiles owned were purchased with the last year
Participate in approximately 14 events per year
Own an average of 5 horses each
Avera​ge Equestrian Demographic in North America
Female (75% of those interviewed)
BRAND loyal consumers
“Baby-boomer” generation (median age 50 – 59 years of age)
46% national industry rider participation age is between 40-59 years of age
Well-educated (85% with some post secondary education)
The national average annual income of horse owners to non-horse owners who earn over 100k per year is 4-1.|
In Ontario, living in households with a median annual income of $80,000 – $100,000
The ratio of equestrians who own other pets (dogs and cats) to the general population is 3 to 1
There are 15,000,000 people over the age of 12 who ride a horse on a regular basis.
Sponsor exposure on various platforms including:
- website with feature sponsor splash page and write up
Industry circulated blog at a major industry magazine website: Morag’s blog at
Social Media exposure through a strategic social media strategy including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Local exposure when featured in local papers
Local exposure for annual events held at Balsam Hall, Kingston, ON, Canada
Use of your product and participation in your ads
Wear your product logo while competing, training, coaching and as a host clinician (abiding with Team Canada (Team) and/or “other” restrictions in accordance with Team policies and regulations)
Hang your advertising banners at competitions (where permitted) and at home
Truck or Trailer decal exposure opportunities – average 75,000 km per season equals high profile decal exposure. A direct marketing opportunity.
Be a spokesperson for your product (Selena is very professional and well spoken, an excellent brand ambassador and influencer)
Access to an elite, BRAND LOYAL audience\market with proven high income purchasing power totaling 19.6 billion dollars annually